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Measuring Success

How PACS Provides Aid

The following statistics show the total Emergency Aid provided from 2013-2014 through 2017-2018, including the value of donated food:

Information & Referral – Connecting people with community resources

PACS connects people with community resources to help them meet their needs and manage as self-sufficiently as possible.


PACS connects people with community resources to help them meet their needs and manage as self-sufficiently as possible.

  • Emergency pantry food is provided once per month per household.

  • People receive food only as long as they continue to have the need.

  • In addition to foods, PACS can purchase through this contract, a small amount of USDA commodities is received in donations from The Emergency Food & Assistance Program (TEFAP).

  • Community donations still account for approximately 85% of the total food distributed to our neighbors in need.

You can help! We need and welcome your support.

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